1 min read

Cold Calling! What to say?

Cold calling is not easy. You have brainstormed with your colleagues. Identified your ICP – Ideal Customer Profile. You have created a target segment based on that. Searched the web, scraped data, qualified based on your criteria and you have zeroed in on a list of names.

The next step is to start cold calling. Some people have a script ready when they do cold calling. I don’t believe in a script. But I believe in doing homework prior to the call. I will research everything about the client whom I am going to call.

Cold calling is an art. Striking a conversation with a stranger is art too. Without being overly sales focussed or pushy one needs to be interesting to people.

Cold Calling.
Cold Calling!

Couple of days back, this happened.

I wanted to connect with a Co-Founder of a Start-up in Bangalore. While it is easy to click on connect button, it’s not easy to write a note.

It is quite obvious that you want to connect with him or her for doing business with them. But you cannot start with a pitch. I hate pitches. I am sure no one likes them as well.

You should build trust before pitching.

In face-to-face cold calls, I was not so embarrassed. I normally ask them what’s happening in their industry and start a conversation. It’s not easy to do that online without meeting the person or even connecting first.

What do you say when you want to connect with someone you don’t know?

Happy Selling!

#b2bsales #coldcalls #kkrocks