2 min read

How to develop a sense of urgency and achieve more in less time

Your prospects are not in a great hurry. At least not most of them. They seem to be quite happy with the Status Quo. But don’t you know that enthusiasm is contagious. And if you pack energy and sense of urgency into your action, they are bound to match your speed and energy. So, let us understand how to achieve more in less time by developing a sense of urgency.

“You can’t move mountains by whispering at them” – Pink
  1. Set your sights really very high. Don’t worry about how you will achieve them.
  2. Break that vision into smaller achievable goals.
  3. Break that further into smaller activities or tasks.
  4. Have energy. If not, get your dumbbells and go for 3 sets of shorter reps 8 – 10 each. Or hit the floor and go for 3 sets of 5 push ups each and start pumping up iron. Get those muscles.
  5. Add passion and sense of urgency. Act as if you have fifteen meetings in a day. While you have to submit five proposals. And go for two negotiations. That is your normal day.
  6. There are three types of people in this world – one, those who take things as it comes and are happy with it; two, those who take things as it comes and are frustrated with it and then there are Sales people, the rarest of rare breed, those who make things happen. With or without the “Sales” title.
  7. While you have created the sense of urgency, do not over react or walk all over others or ill treat them.
  8. Instead treat everyone with respect, courtesy and kindness.
  9. Remove the obstacles. Do not spend time on investigating who had put the road blocks. Just keep moving.
  10. Don’t accept mediocrity in anything.
  11. Pack Energy and Enthusiasm into everything you do.
  12. Wear a smile on your face. Even while you speak on the phone. It sounds nice and the receiver on the other end knows that you are speaking with a smile on your face.
  13. Focus on results.
  14. Be disciplined.
  15. Have the courage to walk the untrodden path.
  16. Imbibe the qualities of a leader.
  17. Break all the rules. And Set your own rules.
  18. Create something every day.
  19. Don’t worry about the tough times. They are there to bring out the best in you.
  20. You were not born to be complacent and hence always be doing many activities and setting up new activities. Keep yourself busy and engaged.

Happy Selling !!