1 min read


Breathe in. Breathe out. Do it mindfully. Slowly.

Your day is now going to be remarkable.

Doing anything mindfully is nothing but #meditation.

Experts say that the #highperformers meditate for at least 10 minutes everyday.

That was a dense forest. The leader wanted a successor. He held competitions. Two men emerged. Both were equals. If they were made to fight they will surely kill each other, thought the leader.

He devised a strategy. He called them both. Gave them some grains. And dropped them in two separate islands. Whoever survives for long with these grains will be declared as the winner, he said.

When the grains are over, you could burn some trees & send a signal, he said.

Months passed. One person sent a signal. All his grains were over. He was very weak. They picked him up.

Then they went to the other island. The leader was surprised to see a house in the middle of the forest. The tribal man welcomed his leader. He was strong. The leader asked him, how is he still surviving.

He said, he created a small patch where he planted some grains & cultivated it. He could feed many people.

#Mindfulness will help us find #solutions to #problems.

Now, breathe in & out. 30 times. Find #Joy. Inside you.

Meet yourself daily.

Make it your daily routine.

Wishing you happiness!!