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In an overcrowded market, it would be difficult to position a product or a service unless you stand out with a unique communication strategy addressing your target market. The communication should create a niche for your product or brand in the minds of the clients. Let us get the facts straight. If there is a market leader we need to acknowledge it first. Then we should relate to the market leader on how your product or brand is different in spite of not being the market leader. Enough and more examples can be discussed how you can relate to the market leader and still make an impression with the clients. Clients usually remember the market leaders and if you can create a niche for your brand and relate it to the market leader, you have more or less achieved your goal. After all, clients need an alternative to the ones they are used to for a variety of reasons. The reasons would differ for a consumer market and a Business to Business market. Ultimately, it is possible to create a niche for your brand if you do soul searching and come out with that Unique Selling Point [USP] why at all clients need to buy your product or brand. May be since you are not a market leader, you would work harder [which is good for the clients], you would be flexible [which means you can customize], you can be a trusted partner [while the market leader is busy acquiring new clients, expanding markets, launching new products] etc.