1 min read

Renewing old relationships!

That was a publishing company.

They were our customers. But no one had visited them in years.

One fine day, I visited them.

I was allowed to meet the owner.

He wasn’t talking at all. “Hmm”, “ok”, and “right” were the replies I got.

It is quite natural.

You sell. Then you don’t turn up for years. What else can you expect?

Here came the turning point.

I asked him if I could do anything for him.

It need not necessarily be costing any money to you, I said.

I told him that it would be a goodwill gesture.

We want to be friends again with our old customers, I told him mustering some courage.

Now, he responded. He smiled. He opened his heart.

He poured out. I listened.

We re-built our relationship.

A couple of freebies followed.

But immediately, he bought some products.

I ensured customer satisfaction.

I never stopped meeting this customer after that.

I may not be a sales guru. But the following takeaways can change your prospects of winning a deal.

Key takeaways:

  1. If you open your heart, your prospects will do the same.
  2. Meet your customers regularly.
  3. Ask them what’s not working.
  4. Listen.
  5. Give something free. It must be something of value.
  6. Build relationships.
  7. Tell them that it is because of customers like them that you are doing pretty well. Say that from your heart. Not from your mouth.
  8. If you don’t take care of your customers, somebody else will.

Happy Selling!

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