1 min read

Social Customer Era

I was talking to a friend who works with Juniper Networks sometime ago and he was talking about how his company is building up the Application Infrastructure, Network Infrastructure etc. He was giving me a heads up on how things are converging. He also told me how it is essential to identify someone [read customer] through his device and publish relevant content. The device may be a desktop, a wifi enabled laptop, may be a mobile phone, a smart phone, may be a tablet and a host of other devices [may even be an IP TV].

The idea is to get the customer hooked on to your brand. We know any Enterprise has multiple brands – Customer Brand, Employer Brand, Supplier Brand and so on. In each of these markets the Enterprise has to excel. Today, the Customer eco system has evolved much and the Customer is the center of all actions in an Enterprise. And the Customer can contact your Organization through any device or through any media – the traditional phone call, email, Social Media, Your Corporate Website, through your Partner Website, Search Engine etc. You should have an eco system to not only capture “him” but also serve him the way he expects to be served.

Today’s customers are really smart. It is not just sufficient to keep them happy. It is essential to keep them engaged always. You can use a host of tools to keep him engaged. Think of occasional email, social media, blogs, wikis, podcasts, webinars and more.

Upgrade your Systems to meet the expectations and further delight him.

Welcome to Social Customer Era.