2 min read

Tech in Sales!

Today, our success largely depends on how we use Tech in Sales. We will be left behind if we don’t use Tech in Sales because our competitors are using the latest tech in sales.

Young couple. Jus’ married. That was their first movie together [b’cos it was an arranged marriage]. They went to the theater early, to beat the crowd. Stood in the queue & asked for corner seats when they reached the counter.

Not anymore. You can book seats of your liking online. Thanks to #technology.

You make your own pizza online & get it delivered in flat 30 minutes. And you use their kitchen as if it is your own.

Then you assemble your own computer online. Dell revolutionized this concept long ago. #directmarketing

In the future, you will make your own coffee in your coffeemaker @ your home. You are already doing that. Aren’t you? What’s the difference, you ask. I hear that.

You will start brewing your coffee @ your home just before you leave from office. It will be ready when you get home. Just the way you like it.

And the AI in your car will look at the traffic & suggest to you the best route to take to get home faster, easier, in style & with comfort.

Technology in Sales! Tech in Sales!
Arrow vector created by pch.vector – www.freepik.com

#Sales has changed as well. We have bots answering our customers & taking care of them. Whether they like it or not, we don’t care. Jus’ kidding.

We now know when our #customers are opening our #proposals, how long they looked at it,

We now know:

1. When our #customers are opening our #proposals.

2. How long do they look at it.

3. Whom did they forward it to.

4. Their email ids.

5. What will be our revenue next Qtr.

6. What our competitors are up to.

7. Whom our customers are talking to.

8. What’s the latest news about our customers.

9. Who in my target segment is ready to buy/looking for products that I sell.

10. What our customers are talking about, what our customers are saying about us, etc. We know too much.

But as long as emotions & feelings are there with humans, sales cannot be on autopilot. Beyond a point, that is. You still need to sell. At every touchpoint.

I receive many automated emails. The senders don’t do any homework on me. Why should I then bother to reply?

Your customers have a need to feel special. And they are special, aren’t they?

We can / should use #tools & #tech [b’cos this is 2020] but it is our #humantouch that will make all the difference.



#b2b #b2c #business #entrepreneurship #innovation