1 min read

The Office Assistant who inspired me!

Saravanan. That’s the name of the boy who worked as “Office Assistant” [called as “Office boy” in India] at our office.

He was a true professional. He understood his job very well. He never wasted a single minute. He was always busy. He had to make coffee, tea, deliver products to customers, and get the shipment ready in the evening for outstation partners/customers. If there was a material inward, he was the one who received the material and organized them.

He had fun time as well. But that was after office hours. One evening, I saw him working on a system. When I went closer, I saw that he was drawing a picture of a famous personality. What’s the big deal, you may ask.

He was drawing the picture in MS Word. I was pleasantly surprised. I appreciated him. I asked him how he managed to draw so well. He explained.

The point is: If there is a will, there is a way.

He attended a spoken language training course in English after office. No one had asked him to do that. He did it in his own interest.

I encouraged him as much I could, then.

He did his work with a smile, always. When I remember him now, only his smiling face comes to my mind.

Wherever he is now, I am sure he is doing great.

Takeaways from Saravanan:

  1. People are going to remember us for a long time to come if we do our work with interest.
  2. We should keep ourselves busy at all times.
  3. We should always up-skill ourselves more than what the job needs.
  4. We should find time to have fun as well.
  5. Last but not least, that smile on our face makes a big difference.

Let’s encourage people like Saravanan who genuinely take an interest to learn & grow in their careers.

Enjoy your work!

Happy Selling!