1 min read

We are what we experience!

This happened in my life long ago.

I was not married then. I had just started my business in Bangalore. One night, I went to a Darshini [that’s what an eatery without tables & chairs is called] about 2 kms away from my home for my dinner. After dinner, a strange thing happened.

I suddenly felt giddiness & fell down. I quickly managed to get up without any help & started walking few steps.

Then, I squatted near a car that was parked there. One couple came near the car. They too had come to the same eatery & had just finished dinner. They were probably heading back home.

I didn’t own a bike or a car. I used to hire an auto. Also, I wouldn’t mind walking 2 kms one way.

This couple came to me & asked if I needed any help. I said “no”. But they still said they will drop me home. I didn’t want to take the help. Since they insisted, I told them where I stay & they said their home was also nearby & don’t mind dropping me home. They advised me to consult a doctor & dropped me in front of my home.

Now when I look back at that event, I thank them profusely for their act of Kindness. Such a Grace & Kindness are really very rare.

I wish to carry that grace & kindness forever with me in my life.

We are what we experience.

#kindness #grace #compassion #experience