1 min read

What Problems do you Solve?

Whether you are an Individual or a Business, in 2 short sentences you need to communicate what you are doing & what problems you are solving.

Let’s take my case as an example before we deconstruct this.

“I sell CRM Software. I help companies get back their focus on customers, increase Sales and meet Quota.”

In Sales, we call this elevator pitch. In 60 seconds or less, you should be able to communicate effectively what you do, what problems you solve, why should somebody talk to you etc.

If it creates an interest, I think it has done its job. If you are able to get an appointment for a meeting, it means you have got your elevator pitch right.

How you do what you do comes later. Or for that matter, Why you do what you do etc.

Let us say, you are looking out for a change of job & you are in a networking event, I think it helps to have an elevator pitch ready.

Keep a small notebook and a pen ready with you always. Even when you are sleeping. You never know when great ideas will strike.

Even this post was created like that.

In case you are re-writing your LinkedIn profile, it really helps.

Things to ponder over:

  1. You need to have a clear, concise elevator pitch. Not more than 2-3 sentences.
  2. Let the first sentence have not more than 2-4 words. It should be memorable. Something like “I code” or “I create great customer experiences”.
  3. It should
    • Grab attention & retain it
    • Create interest
    • Make you stand out of the crowd
    • Help you build your brand
    • Make you become known for what you do.

It is not easy. We are attempting to pack 10 years of work experience or more in 2-3 sentences. Make sure to pack it with Power and Punch.

Happy Pitching!!

Happy Selling!!

#sales #elevatorpitch
