1 min read

What should your dashboard show?

Dashboards have been in use for more than two decades now. Initially, it was available only for the CXOs to stay up to date on their teams’ performance and targets. But it is now important for each one of us to use a dashboard to stay focused and reach our goals.

Let us take a quick look at how dashboards can help Sales folks:

  1. To get the focus back on deals that really matter.
  2. To get instant intelligence on deals.
  3. To know the Opportunities, Activities & Tasks – that calls for your attention.
  4. Reminders and Notifications: those missed deadlines, targets, largest open opportunity, some opportunity staying in one sales stage for longer than usual [velocity issues] etc.
  5. Your personal assistant of sorts: Suggestions and advice for you to take action before your manager gets to know about it.
  6. Closing possibility: what deals can close this month?
  7. Revenue level: what are the big ticket deals that are in the pipeline?
  8. Total open opportunities Vs YTD [Year to Date].
  9. New leads – created, qualified, lost etc.
  10. Weighted / Unweighted / Balanced / Ranked / Won Target – the various ways to look at the sales data and take action.

If you want a dashboard, please contact us:

sales at zignalytics.com

#sales #data #dashboards #targets #CRM