1 min read

What's that you are reading?

Before I buy any book, I find out what other books customers have bought.

This has become a habit for me from the time Amazon started telling me “customers who bought this also bought this…”.

That sends me back to the time I was selling Data Warehousing solutions back in 2000. And the example everyone was quoting back then was: “why are infant’s napkins selling high along with beer bottles on a Friday evening and when placed next to the beer bottles”. We have grown much from that these days with big data.

Coming back to books and why I look at other books: That gives me an understanding on what to expect. Also, I read what others have had to say about the book, in the first two pages or on the back cover: It is like watching a trailer on Prime Video or Netflix to assess the quality that you can expect. You may even find one or two of your favorite authors talking about the book, for sure, and that will immediately help you decide whether to buy the book or not. Mostly, you will read it. With a good outlook and mindset. And you will get what you should get out of the book.

What has been your experience?

Share it in comments.

Also, are there any tips for quick reading?

And what are you doing to retain what you have read?

Are you taking some notes or writing some take away from your reading?

I have had people ask me “what’s the new book that I am reading” or “what’s the best sales book I have read” etc. The take away and how the book has impacted will help in this kind of a conversation and you will always have many interesting things to share with your customers.

Happy Reading!