2 min read

How to make 100 Sales Calls in a short period


The idea is to spread the word, understand the market needs, identify the decision makers involved, get to know the competition, their pitch, what works for the competition and what doesn’t etc. Idea is definitely not to sell anything.

So, here are the steps to get you to make those first 100 sales calls without any plan whatsoever. Do not wait until you have perfected your sales strategy or understood your target segment completely. There is no time for all that. You can learn all those on the job. Hit the road and start meeting clients. Here you go.

  1. Get into an Action mode. Hit the gym if you want some energy or keep two dumbbells handy at your work place and play rock on your headphone and see the magic unfold.
  2. Keep the script ready – at a bare minimum it should have the details on – who you are, where you are from, what is it that you want to do for them [target segment] and why – let this not be a pitch but a generalized statement. For ex, say, “we are passionate about offering solutions to the travel industry segment and we understand the issues that the travel industry faces”. If the customer asks, then and only then explain the issues and your solutions.
  3. Identify the target customer segment that you want to focus.
  4. Login to your CRM and quickly search for the target segment – from your Leads, Accounts and Contacts.
  5. Check if there is a Trade Association for that target segment. If yes, is there a members database available for free or for a fee. Get that list.
  6. Use LinkedIn, start searching for the target segment from your first level contacts, to start with.
  7. Identify the people you want to meet – from Finance function or Marketing function and VP level or above or below.
  8. Export that list from LinkedIn and merge it with the list from the Trade Association list. Keep the source of leads column and import it into your CRM.
  9. Query your CRM on the Target Segment and create a filtered list [with Title/Designation, City etc].
  10. Create a Task “Call” or “Meet” with a short description and add the Script and do a mass update to this selected list.
  11. Hit the Visual Task Board and you will see all these items lined up in Stage 1.
  12. Start calling or meeting.

That’s it. You are off to a great start. Best Wishes !!

Happy Selling !!